Monday, October 6, 2008


I feel really, really stupid that I didn't figure this out the very first episode of the very first season, but Peter is a total asshat and must die. Not just future Peter must die, but present Peter and it might not be a bad idea to kill past Peter, even toddler Peter. So far, every time he has set out to Save The World (tm) he's been the one that the world's got to be saved from. He's a willful buffoon who should be, I don't know, frozen in a block of ice and jettisoned to one of Jupiter's moons. Ganymede sounds good to me. Send that world killing fucker there. I'm sick of how he heaves and sighs and believes that only he knows best, when he knows almost nothing and learns not a single lesson from his mistakes. I say kill off Peter. Can we start a campaign? I hate Peter more than I do villainous Sylar. Sylar at least is honest. Peter's just one big dumbass lie dangling out there like a drunk's peen on a street in Paris. BTW, ever notice that Paris smells like pee? It was a major disappointment to me when I was there, and really explains why Germany invades it every so often. I mean, someone's got to sanitize those streets.
But I digress. I like where the Villain Chapter of Heroes is going, it's re-energized the show as a whole, but Peter...just the kill the fucker already. The character is a stone who drags down the storyline, and the actor who portrays him, Milo V-whatever, just heaves and gasps his lines to such an extent that I want to give him an oxygen mask (and strike a match at the same time).


Natazzz said...

Hmmm. We couldn't disagree more...

I heart Peter, he's one of my fave characters on Heroes...

...and I also have a had weird obsession with Milo ever since he was on Gilmore Girls (don't ask)

jennifer from pittsburgh said...

I used to like Peter, but he's become this show's Gilligan. He's always botching something. Only when he screws up, the world explodes. Preventing the world from exploding is starting to lose it's thrill factor because: a) It's the same scenario time after time, b) We don't know why anyone is doing what they are doing, and c) I'm getting the sneaking suspicion that this show is a one trick pony, which would explain 'a' perfectly.
I'll keep watching, but I'm not as excited as I once was...which means I'll give it up at some point if things don't turn around.