Tuesday, May 20, 2008


For those who wish to see pictures of Bela, our beagle pup, here you go. It was a rainy day and I was outside smoking. She looks forlorn, don't she? Well, she's only got herself to blame because I've offered her cigarettes before and she's always turned up her nose at them.
Bela's doing really well. I had her at the vet yesterday and she's had her rabies shot and got a glowing, glimmering, all shiny bill of health and development. She's a glorious example of beagledom! We're training her per the monks of Skete method, which is a tad harsh, but she's responding to it, so who am I to argue with monks? German monks, at that. Miss Kitty bought a book...and the rest is history...


Anonymous said...

My dogs won't smoke with me either...lame. I hope the vet wasn't "inappropriate" this time. So glad to hear Bela is doing well.

jennifer from pittsburgh said...

Bela is such a sweet cutie that if I posted some pics of her mugging for the camera people would, like, you know, steal her.