Monday, August 4, 2008

Online Stalkers

Have an online stalker? I don't, never have. I'm just not that interesting, or I'm scary (damn my Precious Moments collection!). But the thing that I've been thinking about, is what constitutes an online stalker? Is it someone who simply responds to a lot of your posts? Or is it someone who follows you around and trashes everything you say? I think that example A is kind of a friend, and example B is an asshat. But stalker? Get over yourself. There's a HUGE, ginormous difference between someone who chimes in and says something like 'Hi! Great to see you online!' and someone who flames and challenges every keystroke. And then threatens to show up at your house. NOW that's a stalker!
I hate cliches, I really do, but cliches are cliches for a reason. At times you have the lonely who lock themselves into their own way of thinking and they can imagine any number of things happening that to an objective observer are, well, not happening at all. I don't even know what to compare it to. It's like the Bush administration. Lies being bandied about as truth to forward an unknowable agenda.
I'm actually speaking from experience. I do have a friend who believes that another friend is stalking her online. I just don't see it, and I think that every word is over scrutinized to the point of lethargy. It's exhausting how over analyzed this has become. A nonissue thrown into an arena is still a nonissue. Only it's got light thrown on it, and exposes the lonely person as being lonely and desperate for any modicum of attention.
Actually, what it all is, is sad. And I've said enough.


Anonymous said...

Does this person post a lot on USA Today? God knows they've got a bunch of wanna be stalkees over there.

jennifer from pittsburgh said...

I've been asked to revise 'I had a friend' to 'I once had a friend' by the former friend. Yeah. Thanks for the clarification. Seek help.

Anonymous said...

heeheehee. Personally, I like all the attention I can get! Unfortunately, I mostly go unnoticed...sad.

Anonymous said...

oh yeah! And tell "you know who" to get over herself. I only watch her when the weather is good...yeeesh!

Natazzz said...

There are some really creepy folks out there though...

...but I feel that as long as they don't harrash me or show up on my doorstep it's all good....go stalk away!