Thursday, August 28, 2008


This is Loonie, the object of Bela's affection. Actually, this is Loonie in better days because now Loonie is entirely encased in duct tape and missing at least half of its stuffing. I kind of feel bad about Loonie's slow disintegration and here's why: I gave Loonie to Bela. Loonie annoyed me, seeming to be little more than a dust catcher and all around eyesore. I wanted Loonie gone, crushed by crashing space debris, but barring that, ripped to shreds by a beagle puppy would suffice.
Once Loonie was fully gutted I would've tossed it in the trash, but MK keeps 'repairing' it, swathing it in ever thickening reams of tape. Reams? Is that even correct? Oh who cares. Loonie's a sticky silver blob wedged under the coffee table where Bela last dragged it.

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