Friday, September 4, 2009

Go Figure

It appears to be an inevitable outcome that my youngest son, my baby, is hellbent on joining the Air Force Reserves. He, along with his father (I resisted using the adjective 'hapless' because I'm trying to be nicer, dammit), visited the recruiting office this morning. Riechter was all excited, nervous, a little too thrilled at all of the prospects. As long as he passes his physical, drug test, and aptitude test, then he can be sworn in by his father because he, at onetime long, long ago, was an officer in the Air Force. He should sail through his physical without issue, and I asked him if he's ever around Junior and D-Man when they're smoking pot, and he said no, which makes the drug test look good, so as long as he doesn't panic during his written exam, he should be good to go...
My baby! Yes, I'm going to be That Woman, wailing over her man-child shipping off to some hell hole in Texas (it's my understanding that all of Texas, to some degree, is hell. They're very Dante-ian down there) for basic training and god knows what else.
I do not come from military people. The men in my family are all too contrary to take orders, and probably too cowardly to risk their necks for anyone other than themselves. I'm probably being overly pat and harsh, but I've never felt inclined to delve deeper into why there's not one traceable ancestor who has served in the military. But, on Riechter's father's side of the family, all of the men at some point go into the military, where they get scarred for life, and thereby become men. It's a tradition.
Honestly, I can't say that I understand why he has to do this, but he feels that he does, and he really, really wants to, or MK and I would've talked him out of it by now. Part of me is also proud, but that proud part has to stand in the long shadow of my we shall see how this turns out.


TheWeyrd1 said...

Well if the Hell Hole is the one near Austin, it won't be that long as he's stationed there anyway...just sayin'...

Julie said...


Well, they say military service builds character. I assume it does for the recruits, but from what I've seen, it DEFINITELY builds character in the moms. Not that you need any more character!!

jennifer from pittsburgh said...

TW1 - I know that TX isn't ALL bad ;)

Julie - :D

Phoenix said...

Great, TheWeyrd1 stole my joke about Austin.

Moving on...

I can't imagine what the fear of losing a child feels like, as I'm not a parent yet, but I can tell you that to read your blog where you are very clearly supportive of what your son chooses, but brave enough to admit your fears...that's pretty damn heroic in itself.