Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Like, The Weather

It's been beautiful all week and I've been preparing for the spring plant. Yes, I garden. In fact, I'd have to say that I enjoy gardening even more that I do cooking. But, there's nothing as satisfying as preparing food you've grown yourself. Just pondering that makes me a little dizzy Although I can't say that meat you butcher yourself is more rewarding to prepare and masticate than what you buy at the store. Huh. Funny that. And I won't eat fish I catch. I have a fish bone phobia and don't trust my deboning skills one whit.
I bought 'cheater' tomato plants, the larger ones in big pots. German Queen heirloom. I bring them in at night because it gets down to 40F and I don't want them to freak out or anything. My dead German grandmother would be proud! I've also got starts on carrots, beets, cantaloupes and red onions going in a cold frame off the abck porch. Later I'll put in lettuce and Silver Queen sweet corn. I've never planted corn before, but SQ is Miss Kitty's favorite variety and last summer we didn't find any of it, so I figured that this year I'd give it a go.
One last little tidbit: I made a salad today from new dandelion leaves with a basalmic vinagrette. You know, every year I forget how mild tasting and refreshing those baby leaves are because if you eat some later in the spring they're as bitter as a day trader who missed the Amazon IPO back in '98.*
*I have no diea what I'm talking about, not intended as factual reporting.

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