Friday, July 26, 2019

Pittsburgh and Allegheny City Map, 1867

Map of Allegheny City and Pittsburgh, PA 1867

This map is like a gift from the genealogy angels.  Finally I have straight in my mind's eye where my ancestors were in 1860 because many of the neighborhood designations have changed.  Some completely, like 'Allegheny City' which literally is no more, having been swallowed whole by Pittsburgh proper in 1907.  Some distant relatives lived in 'Temperanceville' in the lowerish lefthand corner, but nobody directly, thanks God.


Julie said...

Have you seen old-maps dot com? (Maybe that's where you found this!) They have great stuff, and their prints are much more legible than the images on their website.

I got one of Taunton, Mass. in the 1870s (or thereabouts) which showed the location and name of every property owner, verifying the (unconstested anyway) claim of our former neighbor Mr. White that his family had lived there for over a hundred years. Other property owners' names matched up with the names of local streets. My parents stared at this map in fascination until their eyes burned. I should have bought a larger print!

jennifer from pittsburgh said...

I will have to check out old-maps dot, sounds right up my alley! I got this map off the Univ of Pittsburgh/Carnegie Library website. Use is freely permitted, as long as no one is profiting from it. This blog is so low traffic that I think all parties are safe :)
Also, I have an ancestor, 2xggf, who died (aged 82) at Taunton State Hospital in 1914, and is buried there. He and his wife were Scottish, but lived in England. Anyway, after the children were grown and some of them married, the entire family moved to the US. One daughter and her husband settled in Taunton. I've looked at some old Taunton maps to see where the hospital was! I love a good map!