Friday, April 12, 2019

Better Hurry Up, Glory of the Snow

Glory of the Snow, Chionodoxa forbesii 2019

Like so many things in my yard, glory of the snow is an afterthought, growing and blooming now as it does beneath a shrub off the one side of the front stoop.  It could have gone unnoticed by me again this year (as it has the previous 9 years) had I not been looking for flowers to cut and bring in to photograph.  Really, right now it's all that I can manage.  I got a sinus infection that led to a bronchial infection that led to pneumonia.  I was tired of resting and thought some simple flower still lifes would perk me up.  And they did because the very first thing the flowers posed, was a mystery.  What were they? I knew that they weren't blue-eyed star grass, but they were similar enough to that that maybe researching something close to it might lead me to my answer - and it did.  Eventually.  Glory of the snow is supposed to bloom early enough that it can pop up through the early spring snows, but we have none of that, and indeed the weather is so warm that the flowers bloom and wilt if they're in the sun.  But these are protected under the shrub, with the sun never striking their tender leaves and petals.

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