Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Please Help Identify Unknown Artist

On occasion when I'm thrifting, I will not just pick through the framed artwork to see which frames I can repurpose, but will actually go through the art itself.  I try not to get too caught up in the artwork as I end up buying it and then have no use or space for it.  I'm currently storing a couple of dozen pieces in an old chest of drawers in the basement.  I'm going to try to find out more about these works, and hopefully this low traffic blog will assist in that endeavor.  Any assistance that anyone seeing this can provide will be greatly appreciated!  Curiosity not only drives us forward, but it can also drive us crazy.


Julie said...

Oh dear, what happened to that child's hand? Terrible knife accident? Or terrible paintbrush accident?

jennifer from pittsburgh said...

Looks like clumsy brushwork. Too bad it doesn't help me figure out who the artist is!

Julie said...

I know... I think it looks like "Ebberly" or "Ebberle," but it could be a dozen other names, and googling those names wasn't helpful. (I am a lousy Googler, though.)

jennifer from pittsburgh said...

I have so many works of art like this floating around my house; unidentifiable, not hideous, orphans. Somebody should open an Orphaned Art Consignment Gallery. Somebody other than me.