Tired of me posting about snow/winter yet? Yeah, me too. There's nothing to be gained railing about the weather because I have no control over it. It just keeps happening, regardless of how I feel about it. I'm powerless, which just makes me want to load up the shotgun and go out and shoot the weather. That sort of behavior is frowned up in this neighborhood so instead I'm just skulking around and muttering profanities, and posting my continued disgust on the interweb.
You're welcome.
LOL....you're hilarious JFP! and me, here in the great cold (and i mean the 'cold' people) of Toronto makes ME want to do the the thing you want to do with the weather...but, too, it may just be a bit frowned upon here! LOL
Yeah, gunplay is usually frowned upon ;) You know, I can't remember the last time I hated winter this much. Typically I just endure it and ignore it, but this year I'm unable to turn off my hatred for it.
I'm not tired of your awesome pictures, but I am tired of the winter. I wish shooting it would make a difference. I'd buy a gun for that.
The best thing about owning a gun, especially as I get older, is that I can now claim that I'm a defenseless old woman who needs to be armed. I ask MK all the time if she wants I should bring the shotgun along ;) She always says 'no'.
I suppose kidding around about gun play isn't that funny, given what a violent society we live in...but I can't stop myself.
I'm gonna be a huge jerk here and say, keep posting those pics! Because, uh...I live in Southern California...and, uh...it's a smidge warmer here...but it's definitely not sunny and 75 degrees! Nope, definitely not. Um...
It's so sad. Here in the rockies we've only had one decent snowfall all winter. Last year was a nightmare and I would have been happy with less snow this year...but NO snow??? It's gonna be a helluva fire season out here. I guess it all went "back east." damn. Let's share next time...OK?
Gypsy, I wish a lot of this snow had stayed out west or in Canada. You'll get wildfires and we'll probably have flooding :P~~~~
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