The sideways view of life is sometimes more telling than the upright version. As it is, I have some news: The Jeep is fixed!!! Not only is it fixed, but it came in 300 bucks under the estimate. That kind of thing never happens, right? Hopefully she's good to go because we leave for Montana a week from today.
right ON!!! and a trip to MONTANA?!?!? how exciting! i have never been, but i hear it is amazing out there!
Oh droll, this trip has been a loooong time coming. We were supposed to go last year and then gas prices went crazy and just for fuel we would have had a grand into it. So we waited for this year. Gas round trip should be around 550, which I sold some pics to get ;)
So...are you stopping through Colorado by chance?
Sadly, no, we will not be swinging through CO...could you possibly come up to MT? We'll be hiking at Glacier Nat'l Park and stopping by any and all road cuts to check for fossils :) All with a beagle in tow and homemade wine on hand. Lord, I sound like a rube no matter how I try and pretty it up ;) Next blog I start will be titled Not A Rube
Check that: It will be titled Not A Pretty Rube. I just don't want the spam that would come with the other thing.
under estimate? unheard of!
enjoy your trip :-)
Montana!! Take great pics for this city chic ok..I can only wish for such fresh air - LOL!
BTW - I laughed so hard at your comment - you are funny as hell..I should have put a pic of a diamond coated car...oh well - next time! XOXO
happy trip JFP!
Oops! As I signed in...I had a premature post. ;-)
Woo Hoo!
I'm so glad that your jeep is fixed and you're ready to roll. You are going to have SO MUCH FUN!
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