Friday, September 16, 2011

Don't Sit Under That Apple Tree

Yes, more tent caterpillar pics! This was taken at my mom's, the tent caterpillar's having set up a nest in an apple tree. Typically the tree produces a bumper crop of apples every year, but not this year.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Eastern Tent Caterpillar, B&W

About a year ago I got obsessed with photographing two very different things: Mushrooms and Eastern Tent Caterpillars. Above you see a sample of the latter, in glorious techno black and white.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Hogg's Tomb

George Hogg's Grave, 2011

Don't ask me who G. Hogg is, because I have no clue. He's buried at Allegheny Cemetery, which is how I stumbled upon his funerary marker, or whatever the proper terminology may be.
I have been a way from this blog for six months. SIX MONTHS! Time, she slips away from me, like a little bit of pee when I sneeze.
Basically I've been focusing all of my energies on photography, exhibiting and getting represented in galleries. I've had some success with both, though significantly with the latter and getting accepted at Bottlebrush Gallery, where my work will be available for sale starting in May. Money, being the scourge of necessity, can be quite the kick in the pants.
Anyway, I'll try to update more regularly what I'm working on and how I'm doing with what I'm working on!